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0 Touchscreen Technology - III


Enhanced dining experience at restaurant
Concierge service at hotels
Concept mapping
Use as interactive Whiteboards
Better multi-media experience

One of the greatest examples of it is the Microsoft Surface.

Microsoft Surface:
1) Screen
2) Infrared Cameras
3) CPU

 4) Projector   

This is a Modern Menu Card used in a 12-Star hotel.


Utilizes Frustrated Total Internal Reflection
The surface of the table is a thin diffuser, which has infrared light and a projector reflected on its underside.
Infrared cameras pick up on any objects such as fingers, paintbrushes over the surface, when touching the display.

Frustrated Total Internal Reflection
Light encounters an interface (boundary) with lower index of refraction, light becomes refracted (bent).
Refraction depends on the angle of incidence
After a certain angle it undergoes TIR
A finger, with a lower index of refraction, when it comes in contact with that surface can cause the light to escape

Image Processing
Infrared camera captures image on the screen
The image processing subtracts background image to reduce noise
It uses a Gaussian smoothing filter to reduce noise
Introduced a cutoff filter to make the image black and white
Grouped the white pixels together
Then the program finds the center and relative size of the pixel groups to drive the applications.


Army marking a particular area

And, a person reporting the crime rate of a state, Georgia

Now all that were some still pictures you saw now view them in the form of video's.

1. Microsoft Surface in practice.

2. Multi-touch Wall used at CNN.

3. Multi-touch Wall.


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